Academic Catalog

Incomplete Grades

Instructors may assign a grade of an “I” (Incomplete) for a course. This is only an option under extreme circumstances in which a student has completed most course requirements and is passing. Examples of when this may happen include, but are not limited to, as a result of an accident, illness, military duty, or other circumstance beyond the student's control. 

A Faculty/Student Incomplete Grade Agreement form must be completed and submitted via Workflow in myLSSC for processing prior to the semester’s grade submission deadline. A copy of the completed form should be retained by all parties.

The faculty member should complete a "Change of Grade" form by the end of the semester following the assignment of an Incomplete grade (Summer is considered one semester) to assign a final grade. Otherwise, the Incomplete grade will be converted by the Admissions and Records Office to a grade of IF (Incomplete/Failure).