Academic Catalog

Interdisciplinary Honors (IDH)

IDH 2911H  Cornerstone: Honors Research Process  (1 Credit )  
This honors course will introduce the student to the tools, concepts, and resources necessary to search, evaluate, and use information in a variety of formats and subject disciplines. In this class, the student will learn to analyze and utilize information critically using the broad range of materials and interdisciplinary concepts needed for honors research and academic/professional success. The course will be delivered using a cross-disciplinary approach.

Prerequisite: C or higher in ENC 1101 and admission to the honors college.  

Area I: Communications, General Education  
IDH 2912H  Capstone: The Honors Project  (2 Credits )  
In this course, each student will focus on completing a research or service project under the guidance of a faculty advisor. The project will identify a research question or community need, provide evidence of student research, and discuss knowledge gained as a result of the project. Guidelines will be established regarding format, standards, and review of projects.

Prerequisite: C or higher in IDH 2911H  

Area I: Communications, General Education