Academic Catalog

Standards of Academic Progress

The College Standards of Academic Progress serve two major purposes:

  1. To outline academic classifications and delineate a method of identifying degree-seeking students who are experiencing academic difficulty, and
  2. To present a series of interventions aimed at student retention and completion while upholding the academic integrity of the College.

The following criteria is utilized to determine academic standing:

Hours Attempted Minimum All College GPA
0-6 Standards not applied
7 or more 2.00

Students will be evaluated for academic standing at the end of the fall, spring, and summer semesters after final grades have posted. 

Academic Standings

The overall grade point average (GPA) is defined as a combination of grades and credits earned at the College (Institution) and other institutions (Transfer). The overall grade point average (GPA) will be used in determining academic progress and will be used to designate students into one of five academic classifications:

  1. Good Academic Standing - Students with a minimum 2.0 overall grade point average (GPA) for all college credit hours in which they are enrolled will be classified academically as Good Academic Standing.
  2. Academic Warning - Students whose overall grade point average (GPA) falls below 2.0 after final grades have posted for the semester will be classified academically as Academic Warning. Students must achieve a minimum overall grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 in their next semester to return to the academic classification of Good Academic Standing. Students on Academic Warning who earn an overall grade point average (GPA) below 2.0 for a subsequent semester will progress to an academic classification of Academic Probation.
  3. Academic Probation - Students will progress to an academic classification of Academic Probation if their overall grade point average (GPA) continues to fall below 2.0 in the subsequent semester of attendance following their academic classification of Academic Warning. Students with an academic classification of Academic Probation who earn an overall and semester grade point average (GPA) below 2.0 for a subsequent semester will progress to an academic classification of Academic Suspension.  Students earning a minimum overall grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 will return to an academic classification of Good Academic Standing. Students earning a minimum semester grade point average (GPA) of a 2.0 and overall grade point average (GPA) remains below a 2.0 will remain on Academic Probation.
  4. Academic Suspension - Students will progress to an academic classification of Academic Suspension if their overall and semester grade point average (GPA) falls below 2.0 in the subsequent semester following their academic classification of Academic Probation.  Academic Suspension applies for one semester wherein the students will be administratively dropped from all registered courses and a registration hold will be placed on their account. Students will be unable to register for classes at LSSC or apply for transient status during the period of Academic Suspension. In order to return to LSSC, the student will need to successfully complete an appeal
  5. Academic Dismissal - Once readmitted after Academic Suspension, students who do not attain a semester grade point average (GPA) of at least 2.0 within one semester will be academically classified as Academic\ Dismissal from LSSC. Students will be able to register for classes after a two-year period. In order to return to LSSC, the student will need to  successfully complete an appeal.

Specific Interventions to Promote Student Retention & Completion

  1. Academic Warning - Students placed on Academic Warning will be notified that they are no longer classified academically as Good Academic Standing and a registration hold will be placed on their account. Students academically classified as Academic Warning will be required to complete an activity centered on building academic resiliency and self-reflection.  Additionally, students academically classified as Academic Warning will need to meet with an academic advisor in order to have the registration hold lifted.
  2. Academic Probation - Students will progress to an academic classification of Academic Probation if their overall grade point average (GPA) continues to fall below 2.0 in the subsequent semester of attendance following their academic classification of Academic Warning. A registration hold will be placed on their account. Students academically classified as Academic Probation will need to meet with an academic advisor in order to have the registration hold lifted.
  3. Academic Suspension - Students will progress to an academic classification of Academic Suspension if their overall and semester grade point average (GPA) continues to fall below 2.0 in the subsequent semester of attendance following their academic classification of Academic Probation.  Students will be unable to register for classes at LSSC or apply for transient status during the period of Academic Suspension. Students must file an appeal with the Associate Dean of Students or their designee to return to LSSC after Academic Suspension. The appeal must be filed prior to the first day of open registration of the subsequent semester following Academic Suspension. If the appeal is approved, students must meet with an academic advisor and the registration hold will be lifted. If the appeal is denied, students will continue to be unable to register for classes at LSSC or apply for transient status. Students will be eligible to appeal again in the subsequent semester. Students must achieve a current semester grade point average (GPA) of a 2.0 in their returning semester to continue at LSSC. Students will be eligible to register for classes after the current semester grades are posted. Students returning after an academic suspension who are unable to attain a semester grade point average (GPA) of at least 2.0 within one semester will be Academically Dismissed from LSSC for a two-year period.
  4. Academic Dismissal - Students who do not attain a semester grade point average (GPA) of at least 2.0 within one semester of returning from Academic Suspension will progress to an academic classification as Academically Dismissed from LSSC.  Under this classification, students will be unable to register for classes at LSSC or apply for transient status for a period of at least two years.  Upon return, students must file an appeal with the Associate Dean of Students or their designee to return to LSSC.  The appeal must be filed prior to the first day of open registration of the subsequent semester following Academic Dismissal. If the appeal is approved, students must meet with an academic advisor and the registration hold will be lifted. If the appeal is denied, students will continue to be unable to register for classes at LSSC or apply for transient status. Students will be eligible to appeal again in the subsequent semester.  Students wishing to appeal the decision will follow the complaints and grievances steps outlined in the current year’s college and student handbook.