Academic Catalog

Distance Learning

Lake-Sumter State College (LSSC) offers many courses and some complete programs online through the Canvas online Learning Management System (LMS). LSSC policies and procedures regarding credit hours, academic integrity, attendance, and all other policies and procedures apply to all courses regardless of delivery mode (seated, hybrid, online). 

The following programs are available completely online.

  • Bachelor of Applied Science in Leadership
  • Bachelor of Science in Nursing
  • Associate in Arts1

The Associate in Arts can be completed 100% online dependent upon the transfer plan selected. Some courses in specific transfer pathways are not available online. Students seeking a 100% online AA degree should contact an advisor.

The following programs are offered more than 50% online: 

  • Associate in Science in Business Administration
  • Associate in Science in Computer Information Technology
  • Associate in Science in Criminal Justice
  • Associate in Science Health Services Management
  • Associate in Science in Management Technology

Each student is issued a secure ID and password from the college when admitted. The student must protect the ID and password. Sharing this information with a third party will result in a breach of the LSSC academic integrity policy.

Some courses require the student to test in a proctored environment in a proctored environment using LSSC's contracted online proctoring service or on campus in an LSSC Learning Center. If the student is unable to use the online service or come to campus, the student is required to work with the instructor to identify a suitable proctor or must pay a professional proctoring service. A student who requests to test at a non-LSSC location should first contact the class instructor to discuss options. The student will contact the proctoring service, obtain contact information for the testing center director/coordinator, and communicate that information to the LSSC instructor.  The LSSC instructor will contact the testing center directly to determine whether the site is suitable (especially the use of a lockdown browser, if applicable).  If approved, the LSSC instructor will communicate acceptance to the student. If not suitable, the LSSC instructor will ask the student to select another option. Failure to complete a test due to the student not starting this process early enough will result in a zero for the test.

Once a remote testing site has been accepted by the instructor, the student should contact the LSSC instructor the week before a scheduled test to request testing arrangements.  This process can vary based on the testing site. Students needing to exercise this option must arrange for proctored testing at the beginning of the semester. 

Distance Learning Privacy Policy

Lake-Sumter State College is committed to protecting the privacy of all students, including those enrolled in the college's distance learning courses. We are committed to protecting the privacy of a student's educational record regardless of course delivery method. In compliance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974, LSSC does not permit the release of any confidential student information to any third party without written consent from the student. 

The College secures the personally identifiable information students provide on computer servers in a controlled environment protected from unauthorized access, use, or disclosure. These measures include Secure Socket Layer (SSL) software during the transmission of information, which encrypts these data. 

The identity verification process for online courses protects the student's privacy through the use of a secure portal with a unique identification number (XID) and student-selected password. Students are encouraged to update their passwords every 90 days to ensure password integrity and confidentiality. 

Students and faculty utilizing the College's Learning Management System (LMS) are required to have a unique user ID (XID) and password. A batch process run by Admissions automatically enrolls students and faculty in courses. Specific course and student information are not available to any outside users. Student user profiles and class activity are not visible to anyone without access to the LMS. Access to the LMS is provided to faculty, staff, and students actively enrolled in courses. 

Distance education courses may provide third party tools and software for use in individual courses. FERPA protections for information shared on third-party tools cannot be assured, and LSSC has no responsibility or liability for the content and activities of these linked sites. Students enrolled in courses that use third-party tools are encouraged to review these third-party privacy policies at the beginning of the course.