Academic Catalog

Experiential Learning

Lake-Sumter State College encourages students to gain a deeper understanding of their career field by participating in experiences that provide practical application of the knowledge, skills and abilities gained in the classroom.

What is Experiential Learning

Experiential learning is an educational approach that emphasizes hands-on experiences as a method of learning discipline specific theories, concepts and competencies. Instead of solely relying on traditional lectures or textbook-based instruction, experiential learning actively engages students in activities that allow them to apply what they've learned to a workplace environment. Students are connected to employers to develop a career-related learning opportunity in the form of an internship, practicum, apprenticeship, virtual work simulation, or other interactive experience. The classification will vary depending on the academic program and career field but generally experiential learning:

  • paid or unpaid
  • full-time or part-time
  • held during fall, spring or summer academic terms
  • structured with professional-level supervision
  • local, national, or international

To Learn More About Experiential Learning

Career Development Services has dedicated staff to facilitate the experiential learning process. Students interested in learning more can schedule an appointment or visit the CDS canvas shell.

Appointments can be made by:


Internships allow students to gain work experience directly related to their academic degree and program of study and are valuable learning experiences that successfully align classroom learning with professional experience.

Internships are generally comprised of two types:  1) a full internship that is typically a free-standing course or 2) an embedded, micro-internship that is included as part of a currently existing course.  In both instances, the focus is on real-world experiences that are complemented with self-reflections and journaling during the experience.

Student Eligibility

To qualify for A.S., A.A., or B.A.S internships the student must meet the following:

  • Completion of minimum college credit coursework as indicated by program;
  • Grade point average (GPA) of 2.75 or higher;
  • Completion of specific course prerequisites;
  • Skills needed to the standards of prospective employer;
  • Program Director approval.

Please note that eligibility criteria may differ depending on academic program. For further information contact Career Development Services at 352-323-3603, or email