Academic Catalog

Bachelor of Science in Nursing - RN to BSN Degree

Program Description

The Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) degree at Lake-Sumter State College complements the coursework and clinical experiences of the ASN, providing a seamless and efficient pathway to a BSN degree.

RN to BSN End-of -Program Student Learning Outcomes 

  1. Synthesize knowledge from nursing science and liberal studies to apply critical thinking, clinical reasoning, and decision-making skills that improve nursing care of individuals, families, and communities through the life span. 
  2. Incorporate effective interprofessional and collaboration skills to provide safe, nursing care that promotes patient preferences, mutual respect and improved health and outcomes. 
  3. Analyze the concepts of nursing leadership and management in the ethical principles of professional nursing to promote safe and quality outcomes of wholistic care in various healthcare environments. 
  4. Examine the use of information technology to promote the delivery of safe, quality nursing care. 
  5. Integrate nursing research, theory, and current trends related to nursing practice that promotes health and provides access to healthcare for diverse populations.  

RN to BSN Program Outcomes 

Program Completion Rate

Benchmark: 85% of students will finish the RN to BSN program within 100% of program length or 3 calendar years. 

Job Placement Rate

Benchmark: 85% of BSN graduates will be employed full- or part-time in a nursing position within 12 months of graduation. 

Academic Advising

Career Development Services