Academic Catalog

Safety and Security

Campus Control

The President or their designee is responsible for maintaining campus control. Neither students nor outsiders will be permitted to disrupt the orderly operation of the College. Students may be subject to disciplinary action for violation of any of the student regulations.

Campus Security

Campus Security services are contracted through Miller and Miller Investigative and Security Services. Armed, uniformed officers provide security and enforce parking and safety regulations during normal operating hours. Security Officers are on-duty 7 days a week and attend special college events.  Security can be reached at each campus by dialing the numbers listed below.  In case of an emergency dial 911 and, if possible, contact Campus Security.

  • Leesburg Campus Security: 352-516-3795
  • South Lake Campus Security: 352-516-5074
  • Sumter Center Security: 352-303-7296
  • Four Corners Center Security: 352-516-4283

Accident / Incident Reporting

Any incident, crime, injury, or accident that occurs on campus should be reported to Campus Safety as soon as possible.

If you have an immediate emergency, contact 911. Report all incidents, including vehicular accidents on college property, to Campus Safety. Campus Safety will respond and assist you until law enforcement or emergency services arrive. They will also complete a report of the incident.

If you are a victim of a crime on campus it is very important for you to report it. If there is no active emergency, you should report a crime to a Campus Security Officer. You may also report a crime to the Executive Director of Campus Safety, any Student Organization adviser, any Athletic Department staff member, the Dean of Students, the Director or Assistant Director of Student Life, the Vice President of Enrollment and Student Affairs, or a full-time faculty member. If you also want to report the crime to local law enforcement, any of the above-named individuals can assist you in doing so.

Safety and Fire Regulations

LSSC makes every effort to ensure the health and safety of its students, faculty, staff, and visitors on campus. The Facilities Department completes quarterly health and safety inspections of all facilities.  The Florida Department of Education also completes an annual comprehensive safety inspection. In addition to these scheduled inspections, all students, employees, and visitors are encouraged to report safety and fire hazards to any Campus Security officer, to the Executive Director of Campus Safety or to the Vice President of Facilities Planning and Operations.

Emergency evacuation signs are posted in all buildings in compliance with Florida State requirements. In case of emergency, follow signs to evacuate buildings in the most expedient route possible. Once evacuated, please move a safe distance away from the building and do not re-enter the building until being advised that it is safe to do so either by Campus Safety or emergency responders on scene. 

Please report all accidents/incidents to the Campus Safety on any campus.

Regulations for Weapons on Campus

Only a law enforcement officer or other person as authorized by Florida law shall exhibit or possess any firearm, electric weapon or device, destructive device, explosive, dangerous chemical, or other weapon, including a razor blade or box cutter, on College premises. Other persons whether licensed to carry a concealed weapon or firearm (licensee) or not licensed are not authorized or permitted to openly carry a handgun or carry a concealed weapon on College premises, except as provided below:

  1. If the licensee is a registered student, current employee or faculty member of Lake-Sumter State College and the weapon is a stun gun or nonlethal electric weapon or device designed solely for defensive purposes and the weapon does not fire a dart or projectile; or
  2. If the licensee carries or stores a securely encased firearm in a vehicle for lawful purposes.

See LSSC Board Rule for further information.

Personal Safety

LSSC is committed to providing a safe, comfortable learning and work environment for students, faculty and staff.  All members of the LSSC community are asked to comply with the following safety guidelines:

  1. Download the Lake-Sumter Safe safety app to your phone and familiarize yourself with its features. 
  2. Be familiar with campus plans for evacuation and other emergency procedures.
  3. Be responsible. Report all suspicious activity to Campus Security immediately.
  4. Be careful. Report all safety hazards or potential safety hazards to Campus Security. 
  5. Lock your car and do not leave valuables in plain sight (use the trunk).
  6. Lock your office space when left unattended. 
  7. Do not put valuables on display or leave unattended.
  8. Do not carry large amounts of cash.
  9. Park in well-lighted areas.
  10. Do not walk alone.
  11. Be alert to your surroundings.
  12. If working after hours in an unoccupied area of a building on campus; make someone aware that you will be there and for how long. Students should never be left unattended in an unoccupied space. 

Campus Security can provide escorts for students who do not want to walk alone on campus during the evening hours. To obtain an escort call Campus Security on the appropriate campus and request an escort. During high demand times, there may be a short wait to receive an escort.

Violent or Criminal Behavior

Everyone is asked to assist in making the campus a safe place to work and study by being alert to suspicious behaviors and situations and by promptly reporting them to College officials.

In the event you are a victim of or a witness to violent or criminal activity, or observe suspicious activities or persons on campus, avoid risks, then report the incident to Campus Safety:

  1. Leesburg Campus Security: 352-516-3795

    South Lake Campus Security: 352-516-5074

    Sumter Center Security: 352-303-7296

    Four Corners Center Security: 352-516-4283

2. If what you observe is not an emergency, you may report it by completing an online report. This report may be done anonymously if you prefer. 

Crime Statistics

All institutions of higher education that disperse Federal financial aid are required to complete an Annual Security Report by October 1 of each year. This report contains information on campus security policies and crimes committed within the campus geography of the institution, as required by the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act, more commonly referred to as the Clery Act.

Campus Safety maintains a daily log of reported Clery Act incidents which is available to view, upon request, by contacting any LSSC Campus Safety office.

Sexual Harassment

LSSC will not tolerate any act of sexual harassment. Sexual harassment of any member of the College community is prohibited. Sexual harassment is illegal under state and federal law and may be subject to prosecution under criminal sexual conduct laws.

LSSC policies maintain that it shall be considered an unlawful discriminatory practice for any employer to fail or refuse to hire, or discharge, or otherwise discriminate against any person with respect to any matter directly or indirectly related to employment (or academic standing) because of the individual's sex. This policy extends to members of the College's student body, faculty and staff, or participants in the College's affiliated programs, such as dual enrollment, and applies whether the harasser is a member of the College's student body, faculty, staff, or a provider of service to the College.

Sexual harassment is defined as unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, or any conduct of a sexual nature when such conduct creates for a reasonable person an intimidating or offensive working or educational environment, or interferes with work performance or educational opportunities. Sexual harassment can be physical (touching, gesturing), verbal (requests for a date or favors, lewd sounds, jokes), or visual (photos, posters), and the victim does not have to be of the opposite sex. 

Sexual harassment is illegal:

  1. Submission to such conduct is made explicitly or inexplicitly a term or condition of an individual's employment or academic standing; or
  2. Submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as a basis for an employment or academic decision affecting such individual; or
  3. Such conduct unreasonably interferes with an individual's work or academic performance, or creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working or academic environment.

Examples of sexual harassment include:

  1. sexual innuendos;
  2. sexually explicit statements or questions;
  3. jokes or anecdotes; or,
  4. posting of nude/sexually exposed pictures or drawings.

An isolated comment usually does not meet the hostile environment definition of sexual harassment. Hostile environment harassment usually requires repeated instances of offensive behavior.

It is the policy of LSSC to respond promptly to complaints of sexual harassment. LSSC will conduct a thorough and confidential investigation of all complaints of sexual harassment. Any act of sexual harassment will subject the offender to disciplinary actions, including but not limited to dismissal from the institution. Students may initiate a sexual harassment complaint with the Executive Director of Campus Safety/Title IX Coordinator. Employees of the institution should contact the Executive Director in Human Resources. 

A complete copy of LSSC Administrative Procedure 2-21, outlining the definition of sexual harassment and procedures to follow in case of sexual harassment, is published online.

Sexual Battery

It is the policy of the Lake-Sumter State College District Board of Trustees that the criminal act, or attempted act, of sexual battery shall not be condoned and shall be vigorously prosecuted, pursuant to Florida Statutes 794.011.

All incidents involving alleged dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault or stalking should be immediately reported to the Executive Director of Campus Safety/ Title IX Coordinator, any other Campus Security Authority, Campus Security and/or to local law enforcement. The College, as an educational community, will promptly and equitably respond to reports of sexual assault, interpersonal violence, and stalking in order to eliminate the Harassment, prevent its recurrence, and address its effects on any individual or the community. The College recognizes that sexual assault, interpersonal violence, and stalking encompass a broad spectrum of conduct and will respond according to both the severity of the offense and the threat it poses to the campus community. You can file a report with law enforcement whether or not you report to the college. LSSC encourages individuals to report incidents of sexual misconduct to local law enforcement. Timely reporting to the police is an important factor in successful investigation and prosecution of crimes, including sexual violence crimes, and may lead to the arrest of an offender or aid in the investigation of other incidents. Reporting the incident to police does not mean an individual is obligated to testify in court. The College will assist victims in making notification of law enforcement if requested. If an alleged crime is reported to College authorities, but the victim does not wish to report it to law enforcement, the College will balance the victim’s needs with any concerns for the safety of the greater College community and will make efforts to respect the wishes of the victim, if possible. 

Victims of dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault or stalking will be provided with written information regarding counseling, health, mental health, victim advocacy, legal assistance, visa and immigration assistance, student financial aid and other services available both within the College and in the community. Victims will also receive written notification regarding options for, assistance with and how to request changes to their academic, living, transportation and working situations and available protective measures. 

LSSC Administrative Procedure 2-21 details the LSSC procedure for reporting, investigating, and administratively hearing cases. LSSC Board Rules and Administrative Procedures are available on the LSSC website. For information regarding the resolution of student complaints see the Student Code of Conduct in the Student Complaints and Grievances section of this Catalog and Student Handbook.

Sexual Offender or Predator Notification Procedures

Public Law (Department of Justice) 106-386, Section 1601, the Campus Sex Crimes Prevention Act, and other Acts therein amended, provide for the protection of college communities from sexual predators and offenders by requiring that:

  1. Persons designated as sexual predators or offenders notify local law enforcement agencies of each institution of higher education at which they are employed, carry on vocations, or become students 
  2. Information regarding sexual predators or offenders is made promptly available to law enforcement agencies with the jurisdiction where the offenders are employed, carry on vocation, and/or are students 
  3. Institutions of higher education inform all members of their campus communities where information regarding registered sex offenders and predators can be obtained 

Federal and state laws require a person designated as a sexual predator or offender to register with the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE). The FDLE is then required to provide notification to the local law enforcement agency where the registrant resides. In accordance with Florida State Statute 775.21 (The Florida Sexual Predators Act) and Florida State Statute 943.0435, convicted sex offenders in Florida must register with the Florida Department of Law Enforcement within 48 hours of establishing permanent or temporary residence.

If the registrant is enrolled, employed, or carrying on a vocation at LSSC, FDLE must also provide the local law enforcement agency with that information. The Dean of Students maintains information on sexual predators or offenders enrolled at LSSC who have been identified to the College by law enforcement agencies.

Any member of the LSSC community who wishes to obtain further information regarding sexual offender/predators in our area may refer to the FDLE website at , call 1- 888- FL-PREDATOR / 1-888-357-7332), or utilize the FDLE website searchable database at The FDLE searchable database may be used to find all registered sex offenders in any city, county or zip code in the state.

TITLE IX- In Discrimination, Harassment and Sexual Harassment Complaints

Lake-Sumter State College promotes access to its educational programs and activities consistent with federal statutes, state regulations, and LSSC Administrative Procedures. The College takes prompt action to investigate student and staff complaints of sex discrimination or harassment under Title IX. We strongly encourage all members of our College community to seek support for and report all sex discrimination or harassment to the Title IX Coordinator, the Associate Vice President, Human Resources or Campus Safety. All complaints, regardless of where reported, will be relayed to and evaluated by the LSSC Title IX Coordinator.

Drug Free Workplace and Educational Environment

LSSC is committed to providing a drug free workplace and educational environment in accordance with the provisions of the Federal Drug Free Schools and Communities Act Amendment of 1989, as stated in LSSC Board Rule 2.04 and LSSC Administrative Procedure 5-24.

Tobacco Free and Smoke Free Environment

Tobacco Free and Smoke Free Environment

Lake-Sumter State College is committed to promoting a safe, healthy, and comfortable environment for its students, visitors, and employees, as outlined in Administrative Procedure 2-24.  Therefore, smoking and the use of smokeless tobacco products in all facilities and areas owned and/or leased by the College is prohibited.  All employees, students, guests, and members of the public are required to adhere to this policy.

Tobacco Products includes all forms of tobacco, including but not limited to cigarettes, cigarillos, cigars, shisha, pipes, herbal cigarettes, water pipes (hookahs), electronic cigarettes (vaporizers, or any other device intended to simulate smoked tobacco), electronic hookahs, any other forms of loose leaf and all forms of smokeless tobacco, including but not limited to chew, orbs, snuff, sticks and strips and all future nicotine devices and products.

Prohibited Actions include, but are not limited to:

  • The use of tobacco on all College owned, operated, leased, and/or controlled properties and facilities such as: buildings, sports venues, bridges, walkways, sidewalks, courtyards, parking lots and garages, on-campus streets and driveways, grounds, and exterior open spaces.
  • The use of tobacco in all College leased or owned vehicles both on and off College property. 
  • The use of tobacco in all personal vehicles while on College property. 
  • The sale of cigarettes and other tobacco products, and the free distribution of tobacco products. Littering the campus with the remains of tobacco products or any other disposable product.

The responsibility for the enforcement and communication of this policy rests with all members of the College community. Visitors, contractors and other individuals on College property who are in violation of this policy should be reminded of the policy and asked to comply by immediately ceasing smoking, (or otherwise using tobacco) and discarding the tobacco.  If the individual refuses to comply, they may be asked or required to leave the college property.

All staff, faculty, and students in violation of the policy should be reminded of the policy and asked to comply.  Employees who fail to comply with this policy should be reported to the Director of Human Resources.  Students who fail to comply with this policy should be reported to the Dean of Students.  These persons or their designee will follow up with the employee or student regarding the policy and available resources.

Continuing violations may also result in appropriate disciplinary action up to and including dismissal in accordance with established student, staff, and/or faculty codes of conduct and procedures.

Children on Campus

Children are not permitted in instructional areas or in the workplace. Students are expected to make off-campus childcare arrangements as LSSC does not provide childcare services. The College assumes no responsibility for the supervision of children unless they are enrolled and participating in a college-sponsored activity or program. At no time should children be left unattended in buildings, grounds, or vehicles.  Individuals failing to comply with this policy may be asked to leave campus.

Parking Regulations

All students, faculty, and staff who park a vehicle on the Leesburg, South Lake (Clermont) or Sumter properties must display a current parking decal. All parking decal applications are submitted on-line by going to your myLSSC account and selecting the Personal Information tab, then selecting the Parking Decal Application link from the menu. Complete the requested information and submit. Then bring your vehicle registration and driver’s license to any Campus Safety Office to pick up your decal. Make sure to read the College parking regulations.

Parking decals are valid only when clearly visible and affixed to the driver side rear window or bumper. Persons who violate College parking regulations are subject to ticketing and a fine. Unauthorized use of a handicapped parking space is subject to a state fine. Unpaid fines will result in withholding of grades, transcripts and/or degrees, and the student will not be permitted to re-register until all outstanding debts have been paid.

Temporary Parking Permits (red-hanging) may be obtained from Security office on any campus. Temporary Parking Permits allows the driver to legally park in any student parking space (designated by a yellow cement wheel stop). Temporary Parking permits must be placed on the rear view mirror of the vehicle and are valid only for the date(s) indicated. If circumstances warrant, the permit date may be extended.

Public Transportation

Lake County Connection operates from 6 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday - Friday. There is an application process for all new customers. For more information about Lake County Connection or the Public Transportation Division call 352-742-6580/352-323-5733 or log on to lake_county_connection/.

LakeXpress operates 6 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday - Friday. A fixed-route service is designed to make daily commutes along U.S. Highway 441, in Mount Dora, along State Road 19 and Highway 441 between Altoona and Zellwood, and in the Clermont/Mascotte area . For more information regarding routes, scheduling and bus passes, call LakeXpress at 352-326-8637 or log on to or access route information on the Lake-Sumter Safe app Maps button. 

Sumter County Transit (SCT) door to door services are available in Sumter County between the hours of 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday - Friday. Three shuttles connect the county from north to south. For more information regarding shuttle routes and schedules or reservations requiring a shuttle deviation call 352-568-6683 or log on to

Note: Public transportation hours of operation are subject to change.