Academic Catalog

Student Sanctions

Student Sanctions

A student found in violation of the LSSC Student Code of Conduct shall be subject to one or more of the following sanctions:

  • Written Warning - A written warning is a document to the student addressing the conduct violation. A copy of the written warning is kept on file in the Dean of Student's Office as part of the student disciplinary file system.
  • Restrictions or Loss of Privileges - Limitations on campus usage including facilities, courses, labs, or other campus activities related to a specific violation for a specified period of time.
  • Disciplinary Probation - A disciplinary warning status, issued to a student in violation of a college policy or regulation. This warning includes a written reprimand along with the probability of more severe disciplinary sanctions should the student be found in further violation of any college policies or regulations during the established probation time frame. At the end of the probationary period, the Dean of Students will review the student's conduct and decide whether or not to reinstate the student to good conduct standing.
  • Community or Educational Service - An assignment of an appropriate project that will benefit the student, the institution, and/or the parties offended. Such assignment may include community service, letters of apology, educational assignments, educational programs, etc. 
  • Restitution - Reimbursement for damage or misappropriation of property. Restitution may take the form of appropriate services, fines, repair, or other compensation for damages, and it may be applied, where appropriate, in conjunction with another sanction.
  • Disciplinary Suspension - Termination of student status, including participation and attendance at all campus activities as set forth in the notice of suspension for a specific period of time. When circumstances warrant, the sanction of exclusion from the campus may also be imposed. A suspended student may, after the designated period of time, request readmission to the College by meeting with the Dean of Students.
  • Expulsion - When circumstances warrant, permanent separation from the College. The student is banned from the College property and the student's presence at any College-sponsored activity or event is prohibited.  This action may be enforced with a trespass action as necessary.
  • Loss of Employment - Permanent severance of the student’s employment with the College.
  • Behavioral Requirement - This includes required activities including but not limited to, seeking academic counseling or substance abuse screening, writing a letter of apology, etc.

Student Organization Sanctions

A Student Organization found in violation of the College's Code of Conduct shall be subject to one or more of the following sanctions listed below.

  • Written Warning - A written warning is a document to the Student Organization's email addressing the conduct violation.  A copy of the written warning is kept on file in the Dean of Student's Office as part of the disciplinary file system, and a copy in the Student Life Office's Organization file.
  • Restrictions or Loss of Privileges - Limitations must be related to a specific violation for a specified period.  
  • Restitution - Reimbursement from a Student Organization for damage or misappropriation of property.  Restitution may take the form of providing appropriate services, fines, repairs, or other compensation for damages.  Restitution may not be paid from funds allocated to the organization from the Student Activities Budget (Fund #2).  Organizations may use fundraised money (Fund #6).
  • Removal from Office/Leadership Role - Permanent severance of one or more leadership/officer roles within one or more Student Organizations as a result of a violation of the Student Code of Conduct.  Removal from the officer role may also result in loss of a scholarship/stipend.  
  • Probation or Charter Revocation - Probation or permanent suspension for a specific period of time of the Student Organization's charger and all the benefits afforded a Student Organization on campus.  If a student Organization's charter has been revoked, the allocated student activities funds will be reallocated. 

Academic Integrity Sanctions

A student found in violation of the College's Academic Integrity Policy shall be subject to one or more of the following sanctions listed below.

  • Failure of a Particular Assignment - Faculty returns work with proof of cheating and gives a grade of F for that work.
  • Failure of the Course - Faculty gives proof of cheating and fails the student for the course.
  • Educational Sanction - A sanction designed to benefit the student by increasing their knowledge of academic integrity, rules relating to academic conduct, and the identification and consequences of academic misconduct.  
  • Disciplinary Probation - A disciplinary warning status, issued to a student in violation of a college policy or regulation.  This warning includes a written reprimand along with the probability of more severe disciplinary sanctions should the student be found in further violation of any institutional policies or regulations during the established probation time frame.  At the end of the probationary period, the Dean of Students will review the student's conduct and decide whether to reinstate the student to good standing. 
  • Disciplinary Suspension - Termination of student status, including participation and attendance at all campus activities as set forth in the notice of suspension for a specific period.  when circumstances warrant, the sanction of exclusion from campus may also be imposed.  A suspended student may, after the designated period, request readmission to the College by meeting with the Dean of Students
  • Expulsion - When circumstances warrant, permanent separation from the College. The student is banned from the College property and the student's presence at any College-sponsored activity or event is prohibited.  This action may be enforced with a trespass action as necessary.