Academic Catalog


ART 1202C  Design & Color  (3 Credits )  
The study of color and black and white design principles and theories applied to individual problems emphasizing color, form, materials, and processes of two-dimensional design. Open to all students.
ART 1203C  Design Structures  (3 Credits )  
An expansion of basic design and color concepts in projects emphasizing various three-dimensional media and forms. Open to all students.
ART 1300C  Freehand Drawing I  (3 Credits )  
An introduction to materials and techniques used in freehand drawing. Still life problems in pencil, conte, charcoal, pen, ink, and brush. Emphasis on developing an individual style.
ART 1301C  Freehand Drawing II  (3 Credits )  
Emphasis will be on compositional drawing including still life, landscape, and perspective with special attention given to creative problems and developing a creative view.
ART 2540C  Introduction to Watercolor I  (3 Credits )  
Developmental introduction to painting with the major emphasis on watercolor and allied media: tempera, pastel, ink, gouache, and acrylic. Rendering techniques for both career and fine arts.
ART 2541C  Watercolor II  (3 Credits )  
An extension of ART 2540C with an opportunity for creative development in watercolor techniques.
ART 2554C  Beginning Oil Painting  (3 Credits )  
Specialized practice in painting with an emphasis on specific problems and procedures.
ART 2556C  Intermediate Oil / Acrylic Painting  (3 Credits )  
A painting class designed to further develop the skills and knowledge of the beginning painter.
ART 2558C  Oil Painting: Exploring New Techniques & Materials  (3 Credits )  
Special problems and critiques for the painter who is ready to learn techniques to refine his skills.
ART 2701C  Introduction to Sculpture  (3 Credits )  
An introduction to problems in both open and closed contemporary sculptural forms and composition. Work will include construction using plaster, clay, metal, wood, and other materials.
ART 2750C  Introduction to Ceramics  (3 Credits )  
An introduction to materials and methods used in creating ceramic pieces. Hand building techniques include pinch, coil, slab, solid, and primitive. Surface decoration methods include slip, engobes, underglaze, and sgraffito. Open to all students.
ART 2751C  Intermediate Ceramics  (3 Credits )  
Continuation of ART 2750C with emphasis on design, wheel throwing, glaze formulation, and raku techniques.
ART 2904  Painting:Individualized Study  (3 Credits )  
An independent study course for experienced artists who desire critiques and evaluation by an instructor.
ART 2906  Oil & Acrylic Painting: Individualized Study  (3 Credits )  
A painting course for the experienced artist who desires critical evaluation by a qualified instructor. Work in both oils and acrylics is offered
ART 2949  Cooperative Education Internship in Art  (3 Credits )  
Cooperative Education Internship in Art: This course is a planned work-based experience that provides students with an opportunity to fine-tune skill sets learned in coursework and enhance work place skills through supervised practical experiences related to their career objectives. Each earned credit of cooperative education requires a minimum of 50 clock hours of work. Refer to Cooperative Education for additional information.