Academic Catalog

DIG-Digital Media (DIG)

DIG 2000C  Introduction to Digital Media and Design  (3 Credits )  
Introduction to history, principles, and processes associated with digital media and designing for digital media with emphasis on production and communication.
DIG 2030C  Digital Video and Sound  (3 Credits )  
Introduces concepts and principles of producing and assembling digital video and the tools and techniques of video and sound capture.
DIG 2109C  Digital Imaging Fundamentals  (3 Credits )  
Introduces concepts and principles of image creation, and the tools and techniques of image capture, creation, manipulation, and integration for design concepts.
DIG 2430C  Digital Storytelling  (3 Credits )  
This course focuses on storytelling skills for time-based media. These include storyboarding conventions and techniques, the visual and auditory language of time-based media, design development, concept development, animatics, and story development.