ENT-Intro to Entrepreneurship (ENT)
ENT 1000 Introduction to Entrepreneurship (3 Credits )
This is a practical course designed to assist students in determining if they have the traits and skill sets to be entrepreneurs. It is designed for students who think that they may wish to start a business or for those already in business seeking to expand or diversify. Emphasis will be placed on the practical aspects of creating and running a business as well as on analyzing business situations to recognize strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOTs).
Prerequisite: Successful completion of all developmental writing, reading, and mathematics courses indicated through placement testing
ENT 1021 Innovation in Business & Entrepreneurship (3 Credits )
This course in innovation in business and entrepreneurship will focus on developing an interest in and understanding of entrepreneurship in the current era. Through speakers, coursework, and visits to businesses and places of interest in the Lake and Sumter county community, students will be encouraged to explore their own interests and ideas and look for ways to solve problems and develop a project based on these interests.
ENT 1612 Creativity and Innovation in a Business Environment (3 Credits )
This course will examine the creativity process and the organizational environment in several organizations recognized as creative and innovative. It is organized around class discussions, workshops, projects, both individual and team-based, cases, a field trip and visiting experts. It will be very interactive, and is designed to be based in experiential learning.
ENT 4004 Entrepreneurship (3 Credits )
Students will assess their entrepreneurial aptitude and the role of entrepreneurship in the economy, as well as its implications for society. Special emphasis is placed on problem solving in communities, feasibility studies, risk-tolerance & resilience, economic/financial models, and values-based decision-making.
Prerequisite: C or higher in MAN 3353