Academic Catalog

GRA-Graphic Arts (GRA)

GRA 1190C  Introduction to Graphic Design  (3 Credits )  
Introduces the student to the common tools, media, and procedures applicable to a variety of areas within the graphic design field. Basic studio work in drawing, illustration, ad layout and indication, type, and production techniques.
GRA 1191C  Computer Layout Design I  (3 Credits )  
Provide basic terminology and use of InDesign software to prepare art, copy, and photographs for desktop production and press ready for commercial printing. Provide basic terminology and use of Photoshop software to manipulate and enhance scanned images for graphic design layout. Involves training to think in terms of document construction, color, typography, page design, and picture manipulation to create electronic documents that will eventually become printed and/or web publications.
GRA 2122C  Computer Layout Design II  (3 Credits )  
A continuation of the Computer Layout Design 1 course using InDesign, Quark Express and Adobe Photoshop for advanced terminology and procedures in desktop design and press-ready for commercial printing. Involves training to think in terms of document construction, color, typography, page design, and picture manipulation to create electronic documents for both print and web publishing.
GRA 2151C  Illustration  (3 Credits )  
Covers a variety of media common to commercial illustration and contemporary advertising. Considers the effects of photo mechanical reproduction methods and cost as related to media and style of illustration. Work includes product, figure, cartoon and pictorial illustration.
GRA 2171C  Advertising Design I  (3 Credits )  
Students are introduced to a variety of aspects in the advertising design arena. Some advertising theory will be presented due to its precedence to the advertising campaign, based on how it influences the design. Students will be encouraged to act as professional advertising designer through positioning products, organizing campaigns and presentations. Covers basic concepts of layout and effective visual communication through simulated job assignments. All areas of the advertising arena will be explored (television, print, billboard, posters, etc.) although emphasis will be placed on advertising designs in print media. The course will cover layout concepts and elements within the communication process of advertising.
GRA 2195C  Advertising Design II  (3 Credits )  
A continuation of GRA 2171C with emphasis on creative visual art/design concepts used in a wider variety of advertising formats including letterhead and trademark design. Involves working advertising concepts through layout stages to production stage. Will include the use of various media for presentation.
GRA 2206C  Experimental Design: Preparing an Original Portfolio  (3 Credits )  
Provides the student an opportunity to refine and expand previous problems or ideas with emphasis on presentation techniques of finished work for client or job interviewing. The problems of communication skills will be studied. Enables the student to broaden his abilities so that the portfolio exhibits a high level of competence in various areas of the graphic design field.