Academic Catalog

MAN-Management (MAN)

MAN 1582  Team Project Management  (3 Credits )  
This course focuses on the management of projects through a team-based approach. Topics covered are team motivation, efficiencies, communication, behavioral characteristics of individual project team members, strategic assignment completion, leadership, team dynamics, and an analysis of corporate culture.
MAN 2021  Principles of Management  (3 Credits )  
The course explores the basic principles of management emphasizing the activities of planning, organizing, leading, and controlling.
MAN 2949  Internship in Business Administration  (1-3 Credits )  
This course is a planned work-based experience that provides students with an opportunity to fine-tune skill sets learned in course work and enhance workplace skills through supervised practical experiences related to career objectives. Each earned credit of internship requires a minimum of 50 clock hours of work.
MAN 3240  Organizational Behavior  (3 Credits )  
This course introduces students to the broad field of organizational behavior. Topics cover the individual (personality, decision-making, motivation), group (composition, leadership) and organizational (design, structure, culture, change) levels of analysis. This course is a study of individual and group behavior in organizations. Students will develop an understanding of how organizations can be managed more effectively. A major focus is determining the factors that impact effectiveness while understanding the traits, behaviors and competencies that help achieve organizational goals.
MAN 3353  Management Theory & Applications  (3 Credits )  
This course introduces students to the basic concepts and practices of management. The functional roles and processes for planning, leading, organizing and controlling are explored. In addition, an assessment component helps students determine their existing propensities for managerial roles and create plans of action for further developing their managerial skills.
MAN 3860  Non-for-Profit Organizations & Community Partnerships  (3 Credits )  
Students will develop knowledge and skills relevant to the leadership and operations of not-for-profit organizations. Special attention will be given to the characteristics of not-for-profit organizations, their relationships to the government, and community partnerships. Other topics include laws and regulations, governance, resource acquisition and resource management, economic development implications, marketing, and measuring effectiveness and accountability.
MAN 3930  Selected Topics in Leadership & Management I  (1-3 Credits )  
This course will cover topics of current trends, special interest, or challenges which impact the leaders in dynamic organizations.
MAN 4301  Human Resource Administration  (3 Credits )  
This course discusses the human resources function of an organization and related policies and practices. Emphasis is placed on defining the roles played by Human Resources staff members and the various HR related activities performed by those outside HR. Major topics include planning and forecasting, recruitment and selection, compensation, training and development, and the legal framework of HR.
MAN 4303  Leadership Development & Practices  (3 Credits )  
Emphasis will be on developing a solid leadership foundation while centering on the real themes, demands, and opportunities of an evolving and dynamic organizational environment. Discussion and application of leadership theories allow for skill formation and development of leadership abilities.
MAN 4312  Employee Relations  (3 Credits )  
Topics include relationship management, resolving disputes and complaints, conflict resolution, workplace privacy, progressive discipline, conducting workplace investigations, reasonable accommodations with ADA. Topics on employment law include: Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and as amended in 2008 (ADA), Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 (FMLA), Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and 1991, and unlawful harassment, unfair labor practices.
MAN 4320  Recruitment and Selection  (3 Credits )  
HR’s role in staffing management, at-will doctrine, hiring practices, recruiting for diversity, reference checking, calculating adverse impact of selection, staffing metrics, on-boarding, and organization entry. Topics on employment law include: Regulatory and compliance matters, including Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA) and Negligent hiring.
MAN 4330  Compensation and Benefits  (3 Credits )  
Managing compensation, creating a compensation philosophy, base pay systems and levels, merit pay, incentives/bonuses, profit sharing, market-based strategies, compensation decisions, salary compression, managing benefits, exempt vs non-exempt employees. Topics in employment law include: Statutory benefits, such as COBRA, Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 (FLSA), Workers’ Compensation.
MAN 4350  Training and Development  (3 Credits )  
Introduction to training and development, including needs assessment, conducting training, evaluating training, calculating return on investment (ROI), ADDIE Model (Assessment, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation), learning styles, training as competitive advantage. Topics in employment law include: Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 (OSHA).
MAN 4720  Responding to Organizational Opportunities  (3 Credits )  
This application-based course requires students to demonstrate knowledge, skills, and abilities covered throughout the BAS-L program. Topics include industry analysis, competitive advantage, strategy formulation, implementation and evaluation. Special emphasis is placed on the tools and practices used to assess their organization's internal and external environment, respond appropriately to critical factors and build a high performance culture to achieve strategic objectives.
MAN 4885  Complex and Advanced Projects  (3 Credits )  
This course shifts the balance from theory to actual project management application and execution. During this course, a live project will be managed from initiation through the planning, execution, performance-monitoring and closing phases. Students will use advanced skills to plan, direct, track, control and improve activities necessary to ensure the project achieves its goals and objectives. By the end of this course, students are expected to know how to apply advanced project management techniques to actively navigate their projects to a successful outcome.
MAN 4900  Integrated Leadership Capstone  (3 Credits )  
This culminating course integrates the knowledge and skills acquired through previous coursework. Students complete extensive reflection of achievements and obstacles to define their leadership philosophy. Students are expected to showcase their responsibility as a leader and change-agent by responding to presented challenges with detailed solutions, findings, and/or opportunities for professional development. MAN 4900 must be completed in the last semester prior to degree completion following the completion of required core courses.
MAN 4931  Internship in Organizational Management  (1-3 Credits )  
Students will develop knowledge and skills through practical experience. Students working in a participating organization, upon approval of the Program Director (or their designee), are required to complete 50 hours per credit hour at the work site in addition to completing course requirements and milestones.
MAN 4932  Selected Topics in Leadership & Management II  (1-3 Credits )  
This course will cover topics of current trends, special interest, or challenges which impact the leaders in dynamic organizations.
MAN 4940  Internship and Application for Leaders  (1-3 Credits )  
Students will develop knowledge and skills through practical experience. Students working in a participating organization, upon approval of the Program Director (or their designee), are required to complete 50 hours per credit hour at the work site in addition to completing course requirements and milestones.