SLS-Student Life Skills (SLS)
SLS 1122 Strategies for Student Success (3 Credits )
This course is designed to teach students effective strategies and techniques consistent with success in an academic setting while actively transitioning to college. Emphasis is on orienting students to LSSC and its resources, teaching students how to utilize effective note-taking and test-taking strategies, develop essential leadership skills, equipping students to navigate academic and career pathways. Students will develop strategies to handle academic, professional, and personal situations for success in college and beyond.
General Education, Area III: Soc & Behavioral Sci
SLS 1267 Teambuilding & Communication Skills (3 Credits )
This course emphasizes team building and advanced communication skills. Working both individually and in groups, students will study how to interact more productively with others, to listen more deeply for the real problems rather than surface issues. Students will also practice balancing advocacy and inquiry in order to help others understand their reasoning and to work more productively towards group consensus. Students will also be exposed to a variety of communicational models and demonstrate knowledge of the most appropriate model for a given situation.
SLS 1401 Career Planning (3 Credits )
This course provides students the opportunity to increase awareness of self in relation to values, goals, interests, and attitudes; to explore a wide variety of career fields; and to translate self appraisal results and career exploration discoveries into a concrete action plan.
SLS 1501 Foundations of Success Seminar (3 Credits )
This course is designed to assist students in making a successful transition into higher education by making critical connections; increasing self knowledge of strengths and challenges; and developing academic, study, and personal strategies that are essential for success in college and beyond.
SLS 1501H Honors Seminar (3 Credits )
During this course, students will investigate their interests, strengths, and personal values and how those things align with their educational and career goals. An emphasis will be placed on orientating students to the honors program while also integrating student success skills and helping them develop an individualized education plan. The course will be delivered using a cross-disciplinary approach.
SLS 2264 Leadership Development Studies (3 Credits )
This course is designed to help students develop their personal leadership abilities. Students taking this course will gain a basic understanding of the concept of leadership theory while developing a personal philosophy of leadership, an awareness of the moral and ethical responsibilities of leadership, and an awareness of their own abilities, and styles of leadership. The course provides the opportunity to develop essential leadership skills through study, observation, and application.
SLS 2940 Service Learning (1-3 Credits )
This course develops 'soft' skills necessary to blend classroom experience with community workplace experience. Students will use their skills to provide volunteer services in the community. The course also gives students the opportunity to focus on social awareness and strengthening of specific skills that will cultivate a sense of ownership for their academic, personal and career goals.