Academic Catalog

Developmental Courses

Placement into Developmental Courses

Students may place directly into college-level courses, or they may need to begin their studies in developmental courses in one or more of the areas of English, reading, and mathematics. The State of Florida mandates successful completion (grades of A, B, C, or S) of all required developmental coursework for non-exempt students pursuing any degree or certificate. It is recommended that all required developmental courses must be completed by the time the student has completed twelve (12) hours of college-credit coursework. Students who are required to take developmental courses in more than one subject are also strongly recommended to complete SLS 1501 Foundations of Success Seminar.

Developmental courses are designated with a course number beginning in 00 (ENC 0017 Developmental Reading and Writing I, ENC 0027 Developmental Reading and Writing II, MAT 0018 Developmental Mathematics I, MAT 0027 Developmental Math II for Liberal Arts, MAT 0028 Developmental Mathematics II, MAT 0055 Developmental Math II Modules). Grades earned in these courses are not figured into grade point average (GPA) calculations, and the credit hours for developmental courses do not count toward a degree or certificate.