Academic Catalog

Clubs and Organizations

Chartering a Student Organization

In order to charter or re-charter a student organization or club, all of the following must be submitted to the Student Life Office for approval:

  • Student Club/Organization Request to Charter/Re-charter
  • Charter Member Petition
  • Advisor Agreement (Signed)
  • Constitution (Within 30 days of initial charter)

Charter Review Process

The Student Life Office will distribute a copy of the charter/re-charter to the SGA for review and approval.

If the request is approved by SGA, it will be forwarded to the Director of Student Life for review. Upon approval by the Director of Student Life, a charter authorizing the existence of the club or organization will be issued. All charters will be kept in the club’s permanent file in the Student Life Office. The Director of Student Life will inform the College's Dean of Students, and the Dean of Students will alert the campus of the existence of the club or organization.

If a request to charter or re-charter is denied, the club or organization has the right to appeal. The appeal will be made in writing to the Dean of Students delineating the reason(s) for the appeal. A copy of the appeal should also be submitted to the Student Life Office. The Dean of Students will recommend a course of action to the Student Life Office. The Student Life Office will inform the club/organization of the Dean of Students' decision. If a club or organization chooses to appeal to the next level, they may appeal to the Vice President of Enrollment & Student Affairs. The Vice President will review the appeal and recommend a course of action according to LSSC Administrative Procedures 4-14. The Vice President's finding is final.

Guidelines for Active Clubs

To remain active, clubs and organizations must have a LSSC staff or faculty advisor and maintain a membership of at least seven students. An Active Club/Organization Information Sheet must be completed and submitted each semester to the Student Life Office by the established due dates.

Guideline for Inactive Clubs

Clubs and organizations will be considered inactive if membership falls below seven active members or if the club or organization disbands. Failure to submit an annual Club/Organization Information Sheet may also result in the group being deemed inactive. Clubs or organizations inactive for less than two years must complete a Student Club/Organization Request to Charter/Re-charter to be deemed active. If a club or organization remains inactive for two years or more, the club will be required to complete the entire charter process in order to be considered an active organization.

Student Involvement in Clubs and Organizations

Any currently enrolled LSSC student is welcome to participate in student clubs and organizations. There will be no discrimination in accordance with the College's non-discrimination policies. Students are eligible to hold office or represent a club or organization on off-campus trips only if they are in good academic and conduct standing, have a cumulative grade point average of a 2.0 or above, and are currently enrolled and maintain a minimum of six (6) credit hours. Dual Enrollment students are ineligible to hold club or organization office but can serve in a representative capacity to address the needs and interests of dual enrollment students. Students under academic or disciplinary review may not hold office or serve as a representative for a club. Further details regarding roles, eligibility and the application process for office can be found on the Student Life Experience Platform.

Information regarding LSSC clubs and organizations is available on the LSSC website or by contacting the Student Life Office at 352-323-3650 or 352-365-2274.

Fundraising Organizations

All fundraisers, drawings, and raffles must be approved by the Student Life Office and the Foundation. An Event/Project Request Form must be completed at least fourteen (14) days prior to the project. Gambling by individuals or groups on College property is prohibited. Per Florida statute, games of chance, such as raffles, may be conducted provided such a sale is a donation and has prior approval in writing by the President or their designee pursuant to LSSC Board Rule 2.09.

Use of College Facilities

The Student Life Office assists LSSC clubs and organizations with facility requests.