Academic Catalog

Disability Services

The office of Student Accessibility Services (SAS) facilitates educational accommodations and campus access for students with disabilities.  Accommodations are available to any self-identifying student with a disability but must be officially approved by SAS and notification received by faculty before implementation will occur.  Accommodations and access may include but are not limited to note taking options, extended time for testing, interpreters, alternative format text materials and technology options.  Students can meet with a SAS team member via phone, Zoom or in person (by appointment) to explore reasonable academic accommodation options and documentation requirements.  A SAS team member will assist the student with determining the documentation that should be submitted to assist in determining their accommodations.  Students are encouraged to connect with a SAS team member to explore possibilities before determining if accommodations are unnecessary.  All information is confidential and will be utilized to facilitate educational accommodations with appropriate LSSC personnel.  

Lake Sumter State College (LSSC) utilizes the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990, as amended, and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, to provide protection for students with disabilities from discrimination that may occur due to misconceptions, attitudinal barriers, and/or failure of the College to provide appropriate accommodations, auxiliary aids, or services.  All referrals and inquiries concerning ADA/Section 504 compliance can be directed to Alicia Hall, or 352-365-3589.

Accommodation Requests

Students may request educational accommodations and access at any time. However, we recommend that students self-disclose to SAS as early as possible to ensure adequate time to review documentation and coordinate accommodations. Some accommodations, such as interpreters, readers, scribes, and note-takers, take time to arrange. Students are encouraged to submit a request a minimum of two weeks before a semester begins in order to take full advantage of accommodations for which they may be eligible. In addition, arrangements for ongoing and continuing services must be made each semester to maintain continuity of services.

Course Substitutions

Lake Sumter State College and SAS recognizes that in some circumstances students with certain disabilities may be unsuccessful in completing a specific course, even with reasonable and appropriate accommodations.   Therefore, for eligible students LSSC has established a procedure for reasonable course substitutions. Substitutions are made on a case by case basis with the intent that the integrity of the academic program is not compromised.  Students seeking information about a course substitution must contact SAS to discuss eligibility, procedures, and timelines of the request.

Referrals and Contact Information

The office of SAS can provide information and referrals to state agencies such as the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation or the Division of Blind Services. Contact information for SAS is provided below:

Phone 352-365-3589


Locations Leesburg: Student Services Building, Rm 118, Clermont: Building 1, Rm 132 B, Sumter: By appointment