Academic Catalog

Tuition and Fee Refund Policy

Credit Courses

In compliance with State Board of Education Rule 6A-14.0541, a 100% refund of tuition and fees will occur only when classes are dropped within the College’s established add-drop time period. Please refer to the Academic and Registration Calendar for the specific add-drop dates. No refunds are issued for courses that are withdrawn after the established add-drop time period.

LSSC Procedure 4.07 allows for a refund in cases of serious circumstances beyond the student’s control and prevents the student from completing the semester. In the case of mini-mester courses, the circumstances must occur prior to the mid-point of the course. These circumstances must be fully explained, in writing, and are limited to the following:

  • Involuntary call to military duty
  • Death of the student
  • Illness of the student of such severity and duration that attendance in class is not possible from the onset of the illness through the end of the semester
  • Technical errors associated with the student’s admission, advisement or registration
  • Other documented and extenuating circumstances may be considered by the Dean of Students

Requests for refund exceptions must be submitted to the Dean of Students using the required request form by the last day of classes of the semester in which the student is seeking the refund.

More information may be obtained from any LSSC academic advisor.

Non-Credit Courses

A refund will be issued if the official drop for refund procedure is completed prior to the second-class meeting. Exceptions include computer classes or one-day courses for which the student must notify LSSC two days prior to the class start date. Special fees are not refundable unless the College cancels the class.